May I first start with simply saying - I miss you!
These past months have been quite an adventure for me and I can imagine for every human on the planet right now.
To give you an idea of what is happening in the world of Effervescence YogaSpa, let's go back to June. When the non-essential business ban was lifting and the social distance advisories for businesses were being put in place. In an effort to learn how we could possibly even imagine allowing our dear friends back into the studio, I began to measure our space.

We had space for four yoga mats with the six feet of socially distant space. This advice is set for all four corners of each yoga mat. With this set up, our teachers would be squished against a wall while teaching.
It didn't seem comfortable, at all.
During this time, I began taking member only massage clients again and successfully created a healthy protocol.
Therapists are masked, gloved and each client is asked a series of questions before entering the massage room.
I began to feel comfortable again with my clients and grateful to see them again.
Shoot forward to July..
My friend and also a fellow EYS Eliter Emily Scott Pack, had posted a few fabulous items on FB for sale and I decided to purchase a lovely glass cabinet she had listed.
When I went to pick it up, I walked around with her inside her glorious space again.
Without having a plan or even thinking it was possible, simple curiosity lead me to ask her how much she was paying to rent the space.
When she told me, my mind flooded with possibility as it was close to what I was paying for our little nook down the road.
I imagined what it would be like to experience views of the water while practicing with our favorite teachers, how magnificent it would be to develop a relaxation area for us to experience ease prior to our massage appointments, how delightful it would be to have a full front desk area and offer retail, and for the fun addition of a quiet meditation room.
The possibilities were endless!

Immediately, I asked her to introduce me to who I needed to meet to shift EYS to this gorgeous spot!
We closed our original space last week
and moved everything over into our new space. I am truly excited to bring you a place unlike any other in Beaufort. Yoga overlooking Battery Creek River, private meditation times, massage and dry brush services, and a chance to book an appointment to shop exclusively in our lush new digs!
Of course our continued offerings such as our wildly popular Zoom Live Virtual classes will remain in full effect! It is so delightful having everyone across the US and even Canada join in on our virtual classes!
I never knew creating a space for us to use while away on vacation, or while evacuating from a "H" would become so very necessary for a yoga business.
I am deeply grateful for all who continue to support us whether with membership, drop in, gift cards, or massage purchases. You are the reason we are here during this!
Thank you thank you thank you!
More info coming soon on our next steps, and remember:

We will continue to offer live virtual yoga classes via Zoom. You will always have access to all of your favorite classes!
Peace + Love, Brittney
Book your favorite class now: BOOK NOW
I cannot wait to see your space 😀
our space😉